Apex Innovative Ventures, a ground-up a platform that concentrates on technology transfer for athletes  is launching a Whole Body Kinesiology study with a focus on athletic training and emerging haptic technologies


About Whole Body Kinesiology


Whole Body Kinesiology is the scientific study of human or non-human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomechanical, and psychological dynamic principles and mechanisms of movement. Applications of kinesiology to human health (i.e., human kinesiology) include biomechanics and orthopedics; strength and conditioning; sport psychology; methods of rehabilitation, such as physical and occupational therapy; and sport and exercise. Studies of human and animal motion include measures from motion tracking systems, electrophysiology of muscle and brain activity, various methods for monitoring physiological function, and other behavioral and cognitive research techniques. The word comes from the Greek κίνησις kínēsis, “movement” (itself from κινεῖν kineîn, “to move”), and -λογία -logia, “study”.

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