Have you ever come across a social media post that ruffled your feathers pulling you out of the shadows to leave a comment? You ponder your response – maybe overanalyzing the tone and wit. No need for a thesis. You don’t want to be combative, but you also want to make it known that your perspective matters. After crafting your response, you go about your day, only to be interrupted by a notification on your phone: “Sandra replied to your response: Robert, I’m pretty sure you DID NOT read the article because….”. 


Your journey down the rabbit hole frenzy begins. Two hours later after countless bantering, you finally put your phone down, promising not to look back…until…”Robert, too bad no one believes you because..”

Rinse and Repeat Rabbit Hole

If you can relate to this, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Social media comments can significantly impact your perception of various topics, trivial or fundamental to your beliefs. At TownSense™, we consider this activity to be extremely invaluable.

We invite you to participate in a 15-question poll about your social media interactions. The real-time data collected will be shared with all participants. At TownSense, we value “Right Now Data”. Thank you for taking the time to participate. We promise to keep the poll straightforward and easy to follow.

Estimated Time of Completion (ETC): 1-2 minutes.




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