KILWA™: Purification, Enhancement and Desalination Systems for Point of Sale, Home, Commercial Industrial, Municipal and Agricultural Use at Grocery Retail Centers.

Desalination is a water filtration process that removes salts and other minerals from saltwater. The desalination process makes saline water potable for consumption and irrigation. Desalination systems are in use at beach front hotels and resorts, residences, boats, and other commercial or industrial applications. Water Equipment Technologies WET designs, develops, and manufactures desalination filtration systems to purify water that is safe for human consumption.A small number of people on earth depend on desalination systems for clean drinking water. World organizations are forcasting those numbers to grow as current potable water supplies dwindle. Currently populations that are dependant on desalination filtrations systems tend to be third world countries that are established on coastlines.Water desalination systems are more expensive to operate than traditional water filtration systems. This is due to the types of energy required to drive the systems. Where traditional potable water supplies are unavailable or clean water sources have been depleted, desalination filtration systems are these communities only source of pure water.

Desalination Process & Reverse OsmosisThe leading process for desalination in terms of installed capacity and yearly growth is reverse osmosis (RO).The RO membrane processes use semipermeable membranes and applied pressure (on the membrane feed side) to preferentially induce water permeation through the membrane while rejecting salts. Reverse osmosis plant membrane systems typically use less energy than thermal desalination processes. Energy cost in desalination processes varies considerably depending on water salinity, plant size and process type. At present the cost of seawater desalination, for example, is higher than traditional water sources, but it is expected that costs will continue to decrease with technology improvements that include, but are not limited to, improved efficiency, reduction in plants footprint, improvements to plant operation and optimization, more effective feed pretreatment, and lower cost energy sources.

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