Third Corner Logic™

How you predict the sector you are engaging with will determine the amount of resistance you can absorb from competitors – and understand by competitors we mean domestic and international. Your ability to sustain a competitive edge while generating additional resources to invest in R&D is dependent upon how committed you and your team are to predicting trends. Many times, the most sophisticated engineer will underestimate the threat of an approaching disruptive technology. Truth be known, the disruption was planned years in advance via patent filings. Once a technology has reached the station of being embraced by outliers there is little to no wiggle room for additional patents. We call this scenario a “Landmine of Patents”.

At MyIPLife, we tactfully approach all clients with a Third Corner Logic. The status quo is not our ally nor should it be yours. Our dedicated research specialist unpack your property and apply a long term accurate forecast of where your flag will be ostensibly planted.  By applying an explorative agenda to our client’s baseline innovation, we ensure a more dominant control of future markets.

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