I love how the Internet is allowing for creatives and artist to endorse their own hobbies and other peoples God given talents. I happened to “tumble” upon Jesse William from Grey’s Anantomy Tumbler page after reading his straight BEAT DOWN criticism of Django on CNN.com (A MUST READ). Jessie then continued the beat down of Django on his Tumblr page that to my surprise was right on time ; a pleasant intelligent montage of art, design, insight, and my favorite: vintage NBA footage!

After consuming the DJango Unchained posting, I decided to peruse his musings for other images and intel. What I came across stopped me in my tracks. Her name is Ariele Alasko. According to her blog Brooklyn to West:

[quote]I [Ariele] grew up in California, and blindly moved to New York seven years ago when I was accepted into art school for sculpture. I instantly fell in love with the grungy part of Brooklyn, and within a month, we had moved into Bedstuy. I have lived in the same apartment for five years now, which has given me plenty of time to slowly “fix” a few things around the house: de-carpet stairways, tile in kitchen… you name it![/quote]

I’ve been stuck on her blog for a couple days now. A perfect blend of lyfestyle, artistracy, and sheer brilliance…not to mention her equally personable feline that accompanies her projects in numberous pictures. What I also noticed was the scalability of her work. From a what appears to be a 12 inch by 12 inch wall design to literally an entire wall. Below are some images that I chose in hopes that you visit her site and not only snoop around, but purchase her treasures. [Future.Shock.Design]




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