Article: What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

Author: BlockGeeks


Dark Hive LLC, A Wealth Creation Platform has its finger on the pulse of innovative methods to raise capital for “long ball” technologies requiring deep pocket resources and speculative market valuation.  We’ve all witnessed the impact of cryptocurrency (i.e Bitcoin) on a global scale – and yes its growing pains sometimes undermine the potential of a full fledged occupancy within a country’s established banks (although Vietnam is first country to recognize Bitcoin as an official currency – subsequently they would ban the currency as payment a couple months later).  Now the new kid on the block causing casual investors to rev up their deal flow is Blockchain.

How is this relevant to Intellectual Property?

When investing in a start-up, many times the hidden gem is the protected Intellectual Property.  If the company is introducing a disruptive method of science, their IP portfolio will be analyzed and evaluated.  Holding patents for your commodity is a way to mark up your assets’ value and bring in additional “eyes” on your potential.  In short, Intellectual Property and Blockchain go hand in hand.

MyIpLife™ asked Cleveland Knighten III, Block Chain Enthusiast and founder of BlockChainUnite™ about the implications of Block Chain on current and future sectors. 

Robert G.L. Newkirk III: For starters, what exactly is Blockchain in Layman’s terms?

Cleveland Knighten III, Esq. Blockchain is a digitally distributed ledger or database disrupting business worldwide. It’s a new platform that brings financial and economical value to the Internet and will redesign the way business will be conducted. It will affect the banking industry, health care industry, music industry, and legal industry, just to name a few. There are formulas and ways to take advantage of blockchain technology that haven’t even been thought of or invented as of yet. It’s a brave new world now.

Robert G.L. Newkirk III: I overheard a water cooler conversation about the entire ecosystem of cryptocurrency being unstable and not institutionalized.  Is that accurate?

Cleveland Knighten III, Esq: Money was never institutionalized. Ask the Federal Reserve Bank. The future of tangible currency is at stake. We are in the midst of a Global Currency Revolution engineered by Blockchain Protocol Interface.

Robert G.L. Newkirk III: Angela Benton, founder of the NewMe Accelerator stated in an interview on Moguldom that African American Founders of startups are not talking about Blockchain.  Should we green-light this platform or is it too soon to tell?

Cleveland Knighten III, Esq:  Basically, African Americans either acclimate themselves to this  technology now and jump on the train, or get left behind – as in RIGHT NOW!  In fact, the train is almost to capacity, but hasn’t left the station yet. Blockchain, or the digital revolution 2.0, will be just as important and vital to this world as the Internet.

Cleveland Knighten III, Esq will provide weekly insight on the Blockchain market January 2018

The following are resources that we “plucked” off the internet regarding the ins and outs of how Blockchain works.  MyLifeIP™ will provide an eBook in the near future with a more granular narration on how these two industries are a match made in heaven.



Still not satisfied? No worries. 

For those who require a more in-depth look at how Blockchain work, the following guide is provided by our friends BlockGeeks.  Should you really want to venture knee deep into the sector please check out their Guide to Blockchain.




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