Prostate Cancer is like Alien 1…the actual Alien who dripped acid possessed multiple ways to multiply, vicerate, and haunt human beings in a way that had moviegoers at the time wondering who the hell – and why the hell- was this put to narration. Personally, the epidemic has hit home to a number of extended family members – similar to diabetes – it’s a counter culture of immortality. But there is hope…and Jack Andraka is the new Prometheus (please tell me you peeped that film circle back…if not email me and I can drop thunder on it.)
But if it seems like everything comes easily to the Maryland student, don’t be fooled. While in the process of soliciting area labs for research space, he was rejected by 197 scientists, some of whom told him quite plainly his theory couldn’t possibly work. Only one person said yes, but it turned out to be the right person—Dr. Anirban Maitra, a professor of pathology and oncology at Johns Hopkins University, who also became Jack’s mentor.” Moral to the Story: All you really need is one person to believe in you…especially if you are correct…march on folks!
Jack Andraka, 15, of Crownsville, Maryland, was awarded the Gordon E. Moore Award for his development of a new method to detect pancreatic cancer. Using an approach similar to that of diabetic test strips, Jack created a simple dip-stick sensor to test the level of mesothelin, a pancreatic cancer biomarker, in blood or urine, to determine whether or not a patient has early-stage pancreatic cancer. His study resulted in over 90 percent accuracy in detecting the presence of mesothelin. Further, his novel patent-pending sensor proved to be 28 times faster, 28 times less expensive, and over 100 times more sensitive than current tests. The Gordon E. Moore Award, in honor of the Intel co-founder and retired chairman/CEO, includes USD 75,000 in scholarship funds.
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