Over the last 10 years we have all witnessed a shift that only the movie Matrix could have predicted. There is an urban legend that the real Hollywood is an offspring of the Illuminati. Merlin the magician’s wand was said to be made of hollywood, therefore Hollywood as an institution is nothing more than a hypethetical cloaking machine for a reality that is around the corner. A social mirage where as govermenets and private backers deploy a covert yet persuasive message all rolled up special effects, narratives and beautiful illuminaries or “stars” that shine so bright they blind our sense of logic. The website Spirit Daily has an interesting spin on the how the Matrix was nothing more that script based on an inevitable providence.
[quote]This is part of the Hollywood dream: a fantasy world that delights viewers but unfortunately opens the door — if at times only a crack — to the occult. As one website (http://www.greatspiritualbattle.com) points out, such should not surprise us. “After all, that is what their ‘star-making’ machine is all about. It is why we call those who are ‘stars in the movies ‘idols.’ And it is why the reward of these ‘stars’ is totally earthly — the kingdoms of this world: fame, fortune, power, sex. While most people don’t realize it, the name of Hollywood has its roots in the ‘magic wand’ of the ‘wizard’ Merlin. The wand consisted of a piece of holly wood that enabled this fabled character to ‘cast’ his spells.”[/quote]
I’ve always been a fan of what is happening around the corner. Closed doors with flickering lights and sounds of metal grinding piques my imagination and feeds a mischievous curiosity that has no limits or fears. I will easily – and this has been proven – release all morality to find out how something works, and who benefits from it. The conversation amongst those who don’t read enough – or perhaps read too much – is the existence of Illuminati and the symbolism that coexist with certain luminaries today. My take is simple: technology is the mother of necessity but it also requires a vanity that suppresses those who submit to its serendipitous persuasions. I took the metro for the first time in weeks last night and there was not a single person who was not engaged with their cell phone. The irony that in Matrix the movie, the only way to transfer between reality and the Matrix was the phone. So essentially, every boarded citizen traveling on the Redline during rush hour were actually in a matrix – plugged into a series of electronic nodes, highways, and droids who are relentless in occupying your most coveted space: your imagination.
The Curse of GodSpeed…
Recently in the world of cloning for no supposed reason, Japanese scientist were able to produce 540 cloned mice from one mouse. The legacy cycle was 25 as in they cloned 25 times to eventually produce a cohort of 540 identical mice. Let’s discuss this for a second for while might appear to be an act of replicator overkill (pardon the pun) the implications – a team of Dr Franenstin on roids with a limitless budget – is that of infinite life.
Cloning from a Hollywood stance is not new at all. The most visible and popular clone explained in a most entertaining way in Star Wars second “prequal” Attack of the Clones. The movie explains the origin of the clones we were so amused by back in the early 80’s who always appeared a bit low brow with awful aim and cognitive orientation. We are soon told that the clones cognitive capabilities are reduced so that they are more controllable. Jango Fett
[quote]A renowned bounty hunter and a naturally skilled warrior, Jango Fett serves as the genetic source (referred to as a “cloning template”) for the Clone Army of the Republic, and subsequently some of the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire, though all these clone soldiers are genetically modified to be predisposed toward unquestioning obedience to the chain of command unlike their highly independent progenitor. His “son”, Boba Fett, is in reality an unaltered clone which he requested in his contract with the Kamino cloners, whom he regards as a son.[/quote]
Here is the interesting connection to God: Once we begin cloning ourselves, who is to say we would only perform one cycle. If a person harbors the vanity to create a being in the likeness of themselves, would they not create an entire army? Now if we cross pollenate cloning with R&D being funded to capture the human consciousness, then quite possible, one could transplant their soul into the next cycled clone of themselves…thus immortality – at a much more dynamic rate – is born. An army of immortal beings, sanctioned by lab mice and a group of scientist with nothing more than Godspeed feeding their ambition.
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