Washington, DC, January 31, 2024 -“We Are Policy!” The Intrepid Party launches first-ever nonpartisan AI-powered Political Platform. Our Hybrid.AI platform integrates Polis, a real-time system for gathering, analyzing, and understanding what large groups of people think in their own words. These “conversations” – enabled by advanced statistics and machine learning – are converted to consensus-driven policies. By providing a more transparent and efficient platform, we aim to make it easier for residents to engage with their representatives to make informed decisions on important policy issues. Our flagship platform is SwarmEye™, a Safety Operating System for mobile devices and vehicles. The Intrepid Party is committed to being at the forefront of this exciting development in politics, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in AI and consensus policies.
The Intrepid Party embarks on a mission to redefine governance through Artificial Intelligence and inclusion. We champion a right now mentality, recognizing the urgency for immediate, impactful change. Our AI-powered approach ensures that policies are not only responsive, but reflective of the diverse voices within our society. With “We Are Policy” as our rallying cry, we call upon citizens to join us in shaping the policies that will define our collective future. Together, let’s demand accountability, embrace inclusivity, and forge a path towards a more dynamic and responsive government, today.

About SwarmEye

The goal of SwarmEye™ is to enable residents of Washington DC to actively participate in maintaining community safety. To facilitate productive discussions within the community, the open-source platform, Polis.AI, has been integrated into SwarmEye™. The responses generated through these conversations are analyzed using machine learning by Polis, which tracks both Behavioral and Situational data. These datasets will serve as the foundation for creating a Safety Operating System for mobile devices and vehicles. 

The Intrepid Party is confident that this innovative platform will provide a more transparent and efficient way for citizens to engage with their representatives and make informed decisions on important policy issues. For more information about SwarmEye™, you can visit our FAQ section.

“Maintaining public safety is a nonpartisan issue. With the recent increase in crime rates, it is crucial to adopt a more collaborative approach in formulating policies that ensure the safety of civilians. The Intrepid Party proposes a unique system that uses Behavioral and Situational Data to assess the real-time experiences and concerns of constituents. This system goes beyond traditional straw polls and involves a series of surveys that seek input from both residents and their representatives. The Intrepid Party’s approach is a hybrid model that promotes an ongoing dialogue to facilitate effective policymaking.” – Robert G.L. Newkirk III

About Polis

Polis is a real-time system for gathering, analyzing, and understanding what large groups of people think in their own words, enabled by advanced statistics and machine learning. The platform has a proven track record of fostering high engagement and providing nonpartisan insights, which bridges the gap between representatives and their constituents while paving the way for a more effective governance model where every voice is heard and valued. 
Polis surveys are an affordable alternative to traditional council surveys, without compromising on the depth and quality of insights. This cost-effectiveness is particularly crucial in times of budgetary constraints, enabling lawmakers to engage with their communities without straining their finances. The seamless interface of Polis champions a new era of community-centric governance.  For more information about Polis, you can visit them here.



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